CH Financial Insight LLC offers a wide range of Services
Financial Modeling and Forecasting
We create forecasting models to predict business performance, including revenue, expenses, cash flow, and profitability, based on past trends and market scenarios. Also, develop scenario planning models for “what-if” situations such as changes in costs or revenue growth.
Budget and Cost Control
We offer budget preparation and analysis, helping businesses create realistic budgets based on past performance, market conditions, and industry standards. We also provide cost analysis to identify areas for optimization and cost reduction. Additionally, we conduct variance analysis to assess the differences between actual and budgeted financial performance.
Business Performance Analysis
We provide comprehensive financial analysis services, including defining and tracking key performance indicators to assess financial health, conducting cash flow analysis, and performing break-even analysis to guide pricing, cost control, and sales strategies.
Data Analysis and Visualization
We analyze large datasets to identify trends and provide insights for informed financial decision-making. Additionally, we create interactive financial dashboards and written reports that enable companies to effectively monitor their financial health.
Startup and Entrepreneurial Support
We offer comprehensive support for startups and entrepreneurs, including creating financial projections for presentation, developing investor pitch decks with strong financial models, and assisting in business plan development. Our services ensure that financial forecasts, budget requirements, and break-even analysis are well-crafted to support business growth and secure funding.